Thursday, April 2, 2009

Post Results of NYLC 09 // EPICENTER

This conference has been amazing beyond compare. I mean the whole Texas trip was simply speechless. The services were incredible with Jeanne (aka mom) and Desperation Band, Reggie and Anna. Also all the MCATL brothers over at the church (gosh, I love them men of God like if they were my real bloodbrothers). Even made some new brothers like Shane, RJ, etc...

For me personally, I grew soooo much with in the last 2 1/2 days... awwwhh I don't want to leave that experience. I know that the work so so hard for me but I know that Jesus was happy that I was giving 100% of my body (that my body would let me do). With me, as long as I made God happy then I am happy.

We has so many memories like with my 'tiger' pic (one of my most embrassing pics) and having random moments at services and during the conference, also on bus at 200am. I also met Pastor Sam Mayo... he is most greatest men to be under His leadership spiritually. Man, I would love to be apart of this conference again. I knew that I could be apart of revolutionalizing a youth pastor's or leader's life or their ministry. Then it was all worth it.

What will you sacrifice for the cost? - Rev. G. H. Williams