Friday, March 27, 2009

NYLC 09 // my Spring Break week....

In a couple hours, I am going to begin my adventure to nationwide stardom. Myself and my church intern team is going to Dallas, TX to help out with Jeanne Mayo's National Youth Leaders Conference. I know this experience will help in the professional level and also it will let me get some more leadership opporunity and teachings with some of the greatest youth ministry veterans today. I am so excited that I get to serve on a national level but I am figuring that it is going to be on a global scale cause I heard that there are youth pastors / leaders are coming from different countries. Also going to be hardcore worshiping with Desperation Band ( from Colorado. They are one of the greatest bands for this generation.

I also going to see my brothers in Atlanta (Chris, Snow, Andrew, Ricky, etc.)... I still have the effect of Master's Experience still on me. I knew that the last day, God was telling me during altar time at chapel after Jeanne (mom) finished speaking that confirmed that I need to be at MCATL (but that is another blog for a later time).

I am hoping that I get to see mom, Ed Young, Judah Smith, and Richard Crisco. I want to know them on a personal level and to have a mentoring relationship with them (I know I am going to have one with Jeanne). Cause behind extraordinary leaders... are extraordinary mentors.
So with this being my first missions trip... it is going to open another window for me on how I look at life. Especially going across the country. I will keep posted during the week about my experience working on a national level. Its going to be a long week of long hours and dreadful jobs... but it is going to be all worth it in the long run.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Definition of Worship

What is your definition of worship? For those who really know my heart and life, you know that I am a worshiper at heart. I am usually singing and that I have a very worshipful nature. Well, today, I was in my car going down (Hwy. 77) the road and I started to preach about worship and what I want children and students to understand the simplicity of how we worship.

Worship is not about how loud you can sing or that you know every word and motion. Also, it does not matter how high you lift your hands... when it comes to worship, it is all about the 'CONDITION OF THE HEART'.
John 4.24 // God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth.
If you come to God with a heart wanting and desiring to worship... then will know that your heart is here to worship and worship only. You can pray to God and say that 'God, I am here to worship you and you only right now'. But actions speaks louder than words. You need to show that you are a Christ-follower and more important a worshiper of God.
Worship can be a act of repentance... You ask God for forgiveness and the second after you say that, You need to show it through your actions that you are telling God that you are really sorry and that you are willing to change.
Revelation 2.5 // Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I (God) will come to you and remove your lampstand (presence of God) from its place.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Just needing to vent...

With all the craziness that is in my life right now... i just need to get a break and get away for a while.

I can't wait until until NYLC 09... this is going to be the most bangin' trip that I have ever taken. Seeing Snow, Ricky, Fonzi, my experience AC family and Jeanne with the rest of the speakers (Ed, Judas, Reggie, etc.).

I LOVE MY SMALL GROUP... ever since the first night, I knew that it was God-breathed to have this small group. Craig, Josh, Brent, Alex, Justin C., John A. John Lock, Justin S. are my brotherhood family for life... no matter where God placed me in the ministry.

James 4.7 // Submit to God...

That verse is one of life verses because everyday I choose to submit to the will of God.

RENEW: I love each and every person that walks through that door every wednesday night and giving the one thing that i can give them... 'brotherly love'.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Welcome and continue

Hey everyone... if you have been following my blog.... sorry but i just accidently deleted my blog. So here is a brand new one with the same url address. but i am going to start all over again with it.