Thursday, October 15, 2009

Setting a New Standard

So this week at Master's we have been talking about Brotherhood and Sisterhood in a mighty way and I am going to be real and upfront with you.

*Disclaimer This special entry is for men only. Sorry ladies... this time is just for the boys.

Men, let's be real for minute! God has called us to be the leaders and the provider of our families and of the church. What hurts me the most is that we have men who still wants to act like little boys and not wanting to man-up to their responsibilities that they have.

God commanded us to be the piercers and the women to be the pierced and that some that is lacking in the church a whole lot. THAT IS NOT WHAT GOD WANTS!!!!! God made Adam before Eve. Kinda give the idea that God intended for the men to be the head and the leaders. But sadly, women are taking the role of leadership in the church (and that is not a bad thing... cause some of the greatest leaders are women). But understand in the home... men, you are authority over your wife and children (yes, it's biblical). And that you need to get off your lazy butts and be the leader and not the cheater or partier or whatever.

Here is where I get deep and heartfelt about this...

The brotherhood and the males of the church. You are the epicenter of your family, church, youth group, etc. (spiritually). Your wife / mother, sister, whoever is not called to be the spiritual authority in the home. You the husband / father, brother... God commanded you to run His church the way that is was made. Also be the spiritual leaders in the relationship.

What sickens me the most is that there are children who are fatherless and that they expect someone else to take care of the pieces. And it don't work that way.

So for closing on this thing. Men, I have one thing to say to you for those who are lazy and not wanting to take responsibility... GROW -UP AND BE A MAN!!!!!!!!