Friday, August 14, 2009

Confessions of a...

During this week, I was listening the series podcast "Confessions of a Pastor" from Steven Furtick (Lead Pastor / Elevation Church)... and it made me realize something. There are so many pastors in America that can't be real and authentic with their congregations because someone might get ticked off and leave the church because the pastor wanted to pour his/her heart out and for the slightest reason that person leaves cause the pastor decided to get in their face from the pulpit and might cut them emotionally. Well people of the Christian World, if your pastor decided to say something that ticked you off... then that maybe God's way of getting your attention and all I have to say about that is "Hate it for ya, suck it up and deal with it!"

All the pastors who have their 'Confessions of a... ' message... i conmend you and I am so happy that we have pastors in America that is willing to get in their congregation's faces and 'tell it like it is!' For those who does not, I challenge you as a pastor to tell your confessions to your church. Tell them... "Church, I HATE __________!" or "Church, I WANT TO ________!"

Cause sometimes in leadership, you have to tell it like it is and let your heart just be expressed once in a while. In the New Testament, there were many of times where Jesus was getting in people's faces and 'Telling it like it is!' Also that we all know that Jesus got pretty ticked off sometimes with the way that the church was going.

In my next blog entry... (...coming next week) I am going to do my own "Confessions of a..." entry. I am going to cover my roles a Intern, Kids Leader, and a Youth Leader