Monday, September 28, 2009

Master's Commission Atlanta Pt. 1

Well, I had a the most rockin' week this week with my new family (MCATL). After going through orientation and stuff, we did some group outing. First, we went to Athens, GA and had some Wild Wings Cafe... then went to the Georgia State Botanical Garden for our 'Starting Point' service. That service was so awesome and so spiritually amazing that I was crying my eyes out with joy and happiness of the hurt that was being lifted off my shoulders from the past 10years of my life. Then, the gang went hiking in the App Mountains and it was awesome beyond compare. Other than almost dying four time... I had a awesome blast there.

I am in one the hottest... if not the most hottest O2 Groups at Oxygen called "V.I.P." All the leaders went shopping with some of the students in Downtown Decatur. I am already feeling a connection with my group. Also that I am going to love my group from the inside out.

I am really loving MCATL... and when it says that it's a family thing. They back it up 1000%. One of the main purposes of being here is the family atmosphere and the family life that I get to experience 24/7 with my phenomenal new brothers (aka 'The Brotherhood').

I believe that God is going to do a complete 180degrees to me and that I am going to be forever changed by the result of what MCATL is going to put me in.