In a couple hours, I am going to begin my adventure to nationwide stardom. Myself and my church intern team is going to Dallas, TX to help out with Jeanne Mayo's National Youth Leaders Conference. I know this experience will help in the professional level and also it will let me get some more leadership opporunity and teachings with some of the greatest youth ministry veterans today. I am so excited that I get to serve on a national level but I am figuring that it is going to be on a global scale cause I heard that there are youth pastors / leaders are coming from different countries. Also going to be hardcore worshiping with Desperation Band ( from Colorado. They are one of the greatest bands for this generation.

I also going to see my brothers in Atlanta (Chris, Snow, Andrew, Ricky, etc.)... I still have the effect of Master's Experience still on me. I knew that the last day, God was telling me during altar time at chapel after Jeanne (mom) finished speaking that confirmed that I need to be at MCATL (but that is another blog for a later time).
I am hoping that I get to see mom, Ed Young, Judah Smith, and Richard Crisco. I want to know them on a personal level and to have a mentoring relationship with them (I know I am going to have one with Jeanne). Cause behind extraordinary leaders... are extraordinary mentors.
So with this being my first missions trip... it is going to open another window for me on how I look at life. Especially going across the country. I will keep posted during the week about my experience working on a national level. Its going to be a long week of long hours and dreadful jobs... but it is going to be all worth it in the long run.
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