What is your definition of worship? For those who really know my heart and life, you know that I am a worshiper at heart. I am usually singing and that I have a very worshipful nature. Well, today, I was in my car going down (Hwy. 77) the road and I started to preach about worship and what I want children and students to understand the simplicity of how we worship.
Worship is not about how loud you can sing or that you know every word and motion. Also, it does not matter how high you lift your hands... when it comes to worship, it is all about the 'CONDITION OF THE HEART'.
John 4.24 // God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth.
If you come to God with a heart wanting and desiring to worship... then will know that your heart is here to worship and worship only. You can pray to God and say that 'God, I am here to worship you and you only right now'. But actions speaks louder than words. You need to show that you are a Christ-follower and more important a worshiper of God.
Worship can be a act of repentance... You ask God for forgiveness and the second after you say that, You need to show it through your actions that you are telling God that you are really sorry and that you are willing to change.
Revelation 2.5 // Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I (God) will come to you and remove your lampstand (presence of God) from its place.
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