Monday, July 6, 2009

The Bible... More Revelation than Application

I recently listened to a podcast entry by Steven Furtick (Lead Pastor / Elevation Church) from his series 'The Essential James'. That message really got me thinking and had me wanting to give some insight on this issue we have in America that Christians are basically only reading the bible and not applying it to their everyday lives.

In 2005, 500,000 Bibles (all versions) were sold per week.

As a Christian myself, it made me realize that it is become a major problem in Christian America. With that we need to have the mentality of becoming a doer of the Word and not just a reader.

Some of us has went to the stage where we have experience Cultural-Christianity. We need to not let our biblical knowledge exceed our our obedience. Basically we don't need more "Biblical Smarty-pants" but more Biblical Servants. Reason is that God requires us to apply His Word to our everyday lives. People in America has been in this "Change My Life" craze with turning to Daytime Talk Shows and to professional help. When all the answers were right in front of them when they just have cracked open the Bible and just apply it with the power of God and the Holy Spirit to their lives. Steven Furtick said a great quote that basically sums up the whole situation.

The Bible don't change our life... the application of the Bible with the power of Christ and virtue of the Holy Spirit does. - Steven Furtick / Lead Pastor :: Elevation Church

So I challenge that the next time you are in quiet time and reading your Bible. Take some of that scripture that you read and apply it somewhere in your daily life.