Sunday, July 19, 2009

Trust in the Lord...

For all the people that I have interacted with the past few weeks, if I have been a little unbearable to be around. Then I am truly sorry... I have so many things that I have been worrying about certain things in my life.

Like with me, I have not have no alone time by myself or with my family. Also having to deal with issues that we have in the family also and getting preped up for Master's Commission in the fall. There would be some nights where I could not sleep because my worriness would overcome my clamness turning me to become extremly depressed over the littlest things.

With that, I am like learning so much about trusting in God and letting all my cares upon Him. For those who know me... know that I have a severe trusting problem that I am learning to overcome. 'Cause of my broken home life and my 'not so happy' childhood. I have not been able to trust people (even the people who are closest to me). So with that today @ 600am on this awesome Sunday Morning, I have decided to talk about trust.

Proverbs 3.5 // Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

When I think about that verse, I think about people who does not have Jesus in their heart and that they feel that material things and certain ways are suppose to calm them and make them feel better. I know that I am suppose to trust in the Lord and have Him as the center of my life. No dobut that I want that but I am letting my trust issue interfere of letting my relationship with Jesus grow and get more to where God and I want it to be. For over a year, I have been trying to trust others and to break down the walls of worriness in my life. This summer and during the fall at Master's, I plan on getting past the old 'Andrew' and learn to trust other and find that joy and peace that I had with God when I first met Him.

Please keep me in prayer about this issue that I have. Also keep my family in prayer as we are have alot of family issues right now.

Have I told you lately... that you are so amazingly awesome.