Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Top 5 of 2009

Hi friends, well it that time again where everyone looks back and reflect on this year before going into the new year. I just want to share with you some of my favorite things of 2009 and reflect back some of the awesome things that happen to me this year. Also to show what I am amped up about things in 2010.

>top 5 events
1. MCATL Covenant Night
2. Oxygen Fall Retreat 2009
3. Operation Blessing :: Extreme Blessing
4. Epicenter :: Jeanne's National Youth Leaders Conference
5. First Year Dodgeball

>top 5 books
1. The Bible
2. Uncensored: Finding God when He seems far away
3. DSOM Book: Revelations
4. Fasting
5. DSOM Book: First Year Internship

>top 5 songs
1. Redeemed :: Corey Evan Band
2. Hero :: Skillet
3. Talmidim (The Servants) :: For Today
4. Your Love is Like :: Rick Pino
5. To the Ends of the Earth :: Hillsong United (Oldie but a Goodie)

>top 5 movies
1. G.I. Joe
2. The Proposal
3. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
4. Star Trek
5. Madea goes to Jail

>top 5 moments
1. When I got my acceptance box to MCATL
2. Leaving Renew (it was one of my saddest moments... but it was time for me to fly)
3. My first life lesson class.... meeting the first years for the first time
4. Revealings at Extreme Blessing
5. Speaking @ Renew for the first time

Well, thats the top 5's of 2009 for me. I can't wait for 2010, there are going to be so many things that I know that is happen that I can't wait....

1. MCATL Experience
2. Operation Blessing Missions Trip
3. MCATL Graduation (Crossing that Finish Line)

I want to challenge you to chase after God today and make him your God and Daddy in 2010 and for the rest of your life.

Life that is not lived in Christ is a life that is not lived to the fullest.

God is chasing after you at this moment... but until you are willing to chase after God. Then the connection can never be placed.

Alright friend... until next time. Love You (Proverbs 19.21)

Monday, December 21, 2009

>dream birth

Jeremiah 29.11 // For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Some of you are saying, "Dream Birth, what in the world is he saying?" We all have dreams... and all of them are from God. For me, every time i get a huge dream or plan. I get it in my stomach and it feels like I am pregnant with a baby in me. During the duration of the birth... the dream gets bigger and bigger as time goes by (think about as a baby grows in the womb).

Thats the same way with people today (i.e. High School Seniors, Pastors, Leaders, etc.) We all have big dreams that we want to see happen one day, but with the dream we have to put in and build to the team.

One of my biggest dreams is to have a very successful youth ministry. For over past 5years, i have planned and planned and prayed over this dream and I can't wait until this dream finally is birthed and the dream becomes a reality.

Dreams can be short-term or long-term depending on how big the dream is. But the real question is... 'is the dream God-breathed?' Cause the thing with God-breathed dreams is that you have the hand and spirit of the Lord Jesus over your dream and making your dream real.

So, what are you dreaming?...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Extreme Blessing :: Operation Blessing

I know for the past few weeks I have not posted anything on my blog... that because I was busy blessing people and I loved it. But let's get down to what I want to talk about.

Last week, people from Rockford Master Commission and Master Commission Atlanta partnered with Operation Blessing (Disaster Relief Program with 700 Club / CBN) and did their version of Extreme Makeover called 'Extreme Blessing'. For 4days... we renovated four homes for four families that was affected by the Atlanta Flood back in September.

Let me say that I felt honored to be a part of Extreme Blessing... that I got to go and bless some family and make a small impact on their lives. We stayed at a small baptist church (I forgot the name). I got to talk to a couple of my RMC brothers and they are soo awesome. At the same time, I got sooo close to my MCATL brothers in such a radical way... it was ridiculous and I love my boys sooo much.

But the Saturday (Reveal Day), was the greatest day out of the whole week. Whenever the families came back and saw their houses... man were they excited. At the same time, we (RMC and MCATL students) were blessed that we got to bless other people that we don't know and we have a small part in their homes that will be there forever. Oh, how I love blessing other people.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Setting a New Standard

So this week at Master's we have been talking about Brotherhood and Sisterhood in a mighty way and I am going to be real and upfront with you.

*Disclaimer This special entry is for men only. Sorry ladies... this time is just for the boys.

Men, let's be real for minute! God has called us to be the leaders and the provider of our families and of the church. What hurts me the most is that we have men who still wants to act like little boys and not wanting to man-up to their responsibilities that they have.

God commanded us to be the piercers and the women to be the pierced and that some that is lacking in the church a whole lot. THAT IS NOT WHAT GOD WANTS!!!!! God made Adam before Eve. Kinda give the idea that God intended for the men to be the head and the leaders. But sadly, women are taking the role of leadership in the church (and that is not a bad thing... cause some of the greatest leaders are women). But understand in the home... men, you are authority over your wife and children (yes, it's biblical). And that you need to get off your lazy butts and be the leader and not the cheater or partier or whatever.

Here is where I get deep and heartfelt about this...

The brotherhood and the males of the church. You are the epicenter of your family, church, youth group, etc. (spiritually). Your wife / mother, sister, whoever is not called to be the spiritual authority in the home. You the husband / father, brother... God commanded you to run His church the way that is was made. Also be the spiritual leaders in the relationship.

What sickens me the most is that there are children who are fatherless and that they expect someone else to take care of the pieces. And it don't work that way.

So for closing on this thing. Men, I have one thing to say to you for those who are lazy and not wanting to take responsibility... GROW -UP AND BE A MAN!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Master's Commission Atlanta Pt. 1

Well, I had a the most rockin' week this week with my new family (MCATL). After going through orientation and stuff, we did some group outing. First, we went to Athens, GA and had some Wild Wings Cafe... then went to the Georgia State Botanical Garden for our 'Starting Point' service. That service was so awesome and so spiritually amazing that I was crying my eyes out with joy and happiness of the hurt that was being lifted off my shoulders from the past 10years of my life. Then, the gang went hiking in the App Mountains and it was awesome beyond compare. Other than almost dying four time... I had a awesome blast there.

I am in one the hottest... if not the most hottest O2 Groups at Oxygen called "V.I.P." All the leaders went shopping with some of the students in Downtown Decatur. I am already feeling a connection with my group. Also that I am going to love my group from the inside out.

I am really loving MCATL... and when it says that it's a family thing. They back it up 1000%. One of the main purposes of being here is the family atmosphere and the family life that I get to experience 24/7 with my phenomenal new brothers (aka 'The Brotherhood').

I believe that God is going to do a complete 180degrees to me and that I am going to be forever changed by the result of what MCATL is going to put me in.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Final Goodbye

Alright boys and girls, here is my last post before I go to Master's Commission. For the past couple weeks has been hectic. With all the shopping and packing and working... life has gotten so crazy.

In this post... I want to give out 'Thank You!' and honor those who mean to the most to me (...and you know who you are). So this one is going to be a little teary eye for me I will make it. :)

I am thankful for...

the spiritual nurturing parenthood of a Cory and Joy Henderson
the strict but lovingly disciplining ways of a Donald Price
the pure innocence of a Rebecca Wesley (aka Becca Jean)
the leadership skills of a Jason Robbins (J-Rob)
the weird but subtle ways of a Brent Stephens (Brenter-Bear)
the dedication and sacrifice of a Anna Hagans
the crazy and sometimes scary ways of a Kristina Mastero
the heart for ministry of a Justin Churukian
the worshipful styles of a Drake Stephens
the never-ending love and affectionate friendship of a Andy Guthrie (aka Andyroo)
the big-brother guidance of a Alex Snow
the crazy and funny personality of a Shelly Fields (aka Lisa / Shelly Donna)
the scary but teddy bear-like and funny personality of a David and Georgia Dunne
the dedication of a Lindsey Childers (aka Lin Lin)
the creative mind of a Breanna Chval (aka Bre Bre)
the real straight-forward personality of a Nathan Polite
the randomness acts of a Ethan Neff (Kneff) and Annalee Cole (Lee Lee)
the heart of compassion of a Tony Shackleford
the brotherhood and unconditional love of an Omega Boyz (my boys)
the hard work and willingness of the Renew 2009 Interns
the brotherness and willing hearts to learn of a LXG (my babies)

Monday, August 24, 2009

> some words of wisdoms

This week, I decided to take a different direction and just offer some words of wisdom to everyone. I am going to take five of my favorite quotes and give my intake on what it means.

01. "Remember, Jesus Christ is inside of you watching and listening to the media
you listen and watch." Jeanne Mayo

This should a eye-opener to all the Christians out there. You may not know this but Jesus lives inside of you and is listening and looking at everything you do. You know the whole 'WWJD' and that we should act and try to be like Jesus. But just think for a moment... 'WWJT' (What Would Jesus Think). Just think the next time that you decide to watch or listen or do that is perceptionally wrong. Just say to yourself... "What would happen if Jesus was sitting next to you and you thought what Jesu would think?"

02. "Your destiny is defined by what you do... not what you did" Steven Furtick

I know I can speak volumes to this quote. Your past does not define your future, the things you are doing now does. I know I had a past that was very less than perfect and that my past didn't stop me from reaching to the potential and the place that God has me now and what He is going to put me in 5...10...15years from now.

03. "Politicians tell you what you want to hear; Leaders will tell you what you
need to hear." Daniel Norris

We know in America that politicians are really good about tell the people what they want to hear. And sometimes they never deliver the promises that they say that they would give. Sometimes that is like some of the leaders in the church. The pastors and the board tell the people what makes them feel warm and happy inside. But we need people to become leaders and tell them what they need to hear. As a person... if you were going to talk to me in a meeting or at the pulpit, I want you tell me what I need to hear and not candy-coat and baby me about it. Leadership of the church... "BE LEADERS AND NOT POLITICIANS" PERIOD!!!

04. "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future." Jeanne Mayo

Your friends is one of your biggest influences in your everyday life. You are the one that decides the kind of friends and your future will be the result of it. If you have friends who like to do bad things (drugs, drink, smoke, porn, etc.). Then you are going to live a life of torment and despare. But if you have positive influences from your friends then you are going to have a positive and fulfilled life.

05. "Don't seek the things of God more than you seek God." Cory Henderson

This is probably one of my favorite quotes of all time. We have so many people including Christians that are seeking more of the blessings of God in their lives than who and what God is. People, we should not be doing that. Cause then we would be considered to be spiritually greedy. Brothers and sisters, we should not be giving God the 'I want...' speech. Instead we should be telling God 'God, what are you like' and 'God, what makes You... YOU?' In your quiet time this morning... go and seek God and not what He can give you.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Confessions of a...

During this week, I was listening the series podcast "Confessions of a Pastor" from Steven Furtick (Lead Pastor / Elevation Church)... and it made me realize something. There are so many pastors in America that can't be real and authentic with their congregations because someone might get ticked off and leave the church because the pastor wanted to pour his/her heart out and for the slightest reason that person leaves cause the pastor decided to get in their face from the pulpit and might cut them emotionally. Well people of the Christian World, if your pastor decided to say something that ticked you off... then that maybe God's way of getting your attention and all I have to say about that is "Hate it for ya, suck it up and deal with it!"

All the pastors who have their 'Confessions of a... ' message... i conmend you and I am so happy that we have pastors in America that is willing to get in their congregation's faces and 'tell it like it is!' For those who does not, I challenge you as a pastor to tell your confessions to your church. Tell them... "Church, I HATE __________!" or "Church, I WANT TO ________!"

Cause sometimes in leadership, you have to tell it like it is and let your heart just be expressed once in a while. In the New Testament, there were many of times where Jesus was getting in people's faces and 'Telling it like it is!' Also that we all know that Jesus got pretty ticked off sometimes with the way that the church was going.

In my next blog entry... (...coming next week) I am going to do my own "Confessions of a..." entry. I am going to cover my roles a Intern, Kids Leader, and a Youth Leader

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Modern Day Job

2Samuel 22.4 // I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.

Wow... so little simple words, but a huge emotional impact. Even though we sometime forget about who we worship at times.

For the past month, with all the attacks that I and my family have endure. I have been a spiritual battle or a lesson that I have never faced in my life. At first, I thought it was one of them blow-over things that the devil just put on me and that I will go over. But, I came to face with something that was bigger than I can handle in the spirit and that I needed the spirit of God to take this and guide me through this battle.

In a facebook conversation that I had last night with one of my spiritual brothers, it had me thinking and we talked about in the Book of Job. About whenever Job lost everything he had including his family... but he always praised God no matter what the devil destroyed when it came to material things to his personal life. And with that I commend Job for keeping a heart longing after God even though he got down to the bottom of the barrell and still praised God for things He has already.

This lesson is one of them lessons that I had to fall on my face and had learn the hard way. Cause I am got to the point where I almost thrown in the towel and started questioning God in a huge way. Just like in the book of Habakukk, when Habakukk was cursing and questioning God about the injustice that have been happening in the city. So I caught myself in the middle of a Habakukk / Job situation.

1Peter 1.3 // Praise to be to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

What I have learned is that I should be praising God instead of questioning Him cause I should have known He was doing it for my sake and that He knows what is best for me in the destiny that He has prepared for me down the road (whatever that may be). Also, that to keep my head high of any attacks that the Devil have been putting me through.

So today... I challenge you, if you are like me and going through the same thing that I have been going through, starting praising Him more and ask for His guidance and mercy that He has given us in Him.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Trust in the Lord...

For all the people that I have interacted with the past few weeks, if I have been a little unbearable to be around. Then I am truly sorry... I have so many things that I have been worrying about certain things in my life.

Like with me, I have not have no alone time by myself or with my family. Also having to deal with issues that we have in the family also and getting preped up for Master's Commission in the fall. There would be some nights where I could not sleep because my worriness would overcome my clamness turning me to become extremly depressed over the littlest things.

With that, I am like learning so much about trusting in God and letting all my cares upon Him. For those who know me... know that I have a severe trusting problem that I am learning to overcome. 'Cause of my broken home life and my 'not so happy' childhood. I have not been able to trust people (even the people who are closest to me). So with that today @ 600am on this awesome Sunday Morning, I have decided to talk about trust.

Proverbs 3.5 // Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

When I think about that verse, I think about people who does not have Jesus in their heart and that they feel that material things and certain ways are suppose to calm them and make them feel better. I know that I am suppose to trust in the Lord and have Him as the center of my life. No dobut that I want that but I am letting my trust issue interfere of letting my relationship with Jesus grow and get more to where God and I want it to be. For over a year, I have been trying to trust others and to break down the walls of worriness in my life. This summer and during the fall at Master's, I plan on getting past the old 'Andrew' and learn to trust other and find that joy and peace that I had with God when I first met Him.

Please keep me in prayer about this issue that I have. Also keep my family in prayer as we are have alot of family issues right now.

Have I told you lately... that you are so amazingly awesome.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Bible... More Revelation than Application

I recently listened to a podcast entry by Steven Furtick (Lead Pastor / Elevation Church) from his series 'The Essential James'. That message really got me thinking and had me wanting to give some insight on this issue we have in America that Christians are basically only reading the bible and not applying it to their everyday lives.

In 2005, 500,000 Bibles (all versions) were sold per week.

As a Christian myself, it made me realize that it is become a major problem in Christian America. With that we need to have the mentality of becoming a doer of the Word and not just a reader.

Some of us has went to the stage where we have experience Cultural-Christianity. We need to not let our biblical knowledge exceed our our obedience. Basically we don't need more "Biblical Smarty-pants" but more Biblical Servants. Reason is that God requires us to apply His Word to our everyday lives. People in America has been in this "Change My Life" craze with turning to Daytime Talk Shows and to professional help. When all the answers were right in front of them when they just have cracked open the Bible and just apply it with the power of God and the Holy Spirit to their lives. Steven Furtick said a great quote that basically sums up the whole situation.

The Bible don't change our life... the application of the Bible with the power of Christ and virtue of the Holy Spirit does. - Steven Furtick / Lead Pastor :: Elevation Church

So I challenge that the next time you are in quiet time and reading your Bible. Take some of that scripture that you read and apply it somewhere in your daily life.

my summer update and plans for the fall...

hello, my brothers and sisters of the internet blogging world. You know that this summer is going by fast and I am taking some time off... and now after looking at it being mad and out of content with the whole situation that I faced last month. I realized that God needed me to take a break from ministry for a while and He need to do it in a very loud and painful way. Now, I have been rediscovering myself spiritually and in life of who I am. God is sooo amazing!!!! That is a well-known fact indeed.

This fall I am going to be going to another chapter in my life called "Master's Commission". Also there are so many things that I am excited about what God has instore for me. Well, here is what I have planned for the fall.

- MASTER'S COMMISSION ATLANTA!!!!!! This will my first ever away from home (in a daily living environment)
- Own my first Mac
- Hopefully be able to get done with all my credential work and be in the process for it.
- My last night at Renew. I know that it is going to be a very sad thing, but I know that it is destined by God for me to go regardless.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Source: i-Heart Revolution // Hillsong Church
With this entry... I just want to speak from the heart and that God has been pulling on my heartstrings for the past couple weeks and you when you feel that your desires with God's destiny for you is not in alinment and you feel spiritually tossed and pulled inside. Well, that has been my story for the past couple weeks and that I just want to share some of my desires that I long for me personally, my ministry, and for this generation.
I heart...
... to see a generation longing for the heart of God
... to see this broken sin-filled world being fully restored by the grace and power of Christ
... to see the Body of Christ becoming one with family-like virtues
... to see leaders of the next generation becoming relentless of the destiny God prepare them for.
... to see the presence of God being revealed for those who seek Him.
This is desires that I hope God will bless me with.
- A team that has a desire to reach students at any cost.
- A youth group that desire to seek God whole-heartedly
- To reach as many people as possible
- For my ministry to be God-driven

Sunday, June 21, 2009

...for the rest of the summer

Well, my summer is finally over with! For those who don't know... I have fractured a bone in my foot and I have to get surgery on it this Tuesday. I am going to be bed-ridden for the next six weeks, and that i have to be extremely bored this summer since I am confined to my room so I won't hurt my foot while is in recovery.

That means I have no Renew, Callaway Kidz, Camp, or anything fun to do for the rest of the summer. But that's fine I am going to be ready to take the world by storm whenever august come around... I am going to be gone and chillen with my brothers and sisters (spiritually) and getting ready for Master's Commission with Jeanne Mayo and my new brothers and sisters in the fall. For now, I am going be unbearable to be around with all my boredness (for those who know me... I am a mover and walker). Ugghhh... it is going to be one doozie of a summer.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

KidsQuest 2009

I can't wait... Kids Camp 2009 is going be happening in one week. Oh, I love the Camp Season!!!!! This will be my 3rd year going but instead of being with the kids 24/7, I am going to be a intern and work behind the scenes and assist the exective staff with anything that they need for the next two weeks. It is going to be soooo awesome whenever I get to Marianna in a week. The services are phenomenial, the activities are crazy fun, and the people there are sooo awesome to talk to.

Today, I felt soooo emotional whenever I was listening to some Hillsong Kids Worship, and I just started crying and worshiping. I think that God is calling me into Children's Ministry and that I am trying to avoid and that He is like Megaphoning me saying "HEY ANDREW, YOU'RE GOING TO BE A CHILDREN PASTOR!!!!!! Yeah, long story short I can't wait for camp. It is going to be soooo rockin' from the inside out.

Friday, May 22, 2009


*WARNING* The following content is material is coming straight from the heart and this is some stuff that has been happening to me for the past few weeks.

So for the past few weeks my life have been a total emotional holocaust.... so that is why because I have been acting depressed and desocialable for the past days. Reason being because my uncle (the one that is a complete drunk and have been in and out of jail for so many times) have been on a drinking anger rampage. He does not care about anyone but himself regardless of how emotionally upset the person is. He is more of a 'My way or the Highway' kinda person. I have been so sick of his crap and I am so emotionally drained because of it. I would some times cry a little (here and there) because i had to release my anger in a happy way.

So that is my life for the past few weeks...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Post Results of NYLC 09 // EPICENTER

This conference has been amazing beyond compare. I mean the whole Texas trip was simply speechless. The services were incredible with Jeanne (aka mom) and Desperation Band, Reggie and Anna. Also all the MCATL brothers over at the church (gosh, I love them men of God like if they were my real bloodbrothers). Even made some new brothers like Shane, RJ, etc...

For me personally, I grew soooo much with in the last 2 1/2 days... awwwhh I don't want to leave that experience. I know that the work so so hard for me but I know that Jesus was happy that I was giving 100% of my body (that my body would let me do). With me, as long as I made God happy then I am happy.

We has so many memories like with my 'tiger' pic (one of my most embrassing pics) and having random moments at services and during the conference, also on bus at 200am. I also met Pastor Sam Mayo... he is most greatest men to be under His leadership spiritually. Man, I would love to be apart of this conference again. I knew that I could be apart of revolutionalizing a youth pastor's or leader's life or their ministry. Then it was all worth it.

What will you sacrifice for the cost? - Rev. G. H. Williams

Friday, March 27, 2009

NYLC 09 // my Spring Break week....

In a couple hours, I am going to begin my adventure to nationwide stardom. Myself and my church intern team is going to Dallas, TX to help out with Jeanne Mayo's National Youth Leaders Conference. I know this experience will help in the professional level and also it will let me get some more leadership opporunity and teachings with some of the greatest youth ministry veterans today. I am so excited that I get to serve on a national level but I am figuring that it is going to be on a global scale cause I heard that there are youth pastors / leaders are coming from different countries. Also going to be hardcore worshiping with Desperation Band ( from Colorado. They are one of the greatest bands for this generation.

I also going to see my brothers in Atlanta (Chris, Snow, Andrew, Ricky, etc.)... I still have the effect of Master's Experience still on me. I knew that the last day, God was telling me during altar time at chapel after Jeanne (mom) finished speaking that confirmed that I need to be at MCATL (but that is another blog for a later time).

I am hoping that I get to see mom, Ed Young, Judah Smith, and Richard Crisco. I want to know them on a personal level and to have a mentoring relationship with them (I know I am going to have one with Jeanne). Cause behind extraordinary leaders... are extraordinary mentors.
So with this being my first missions trip... it is going to open another window for me on how I look at life. Especially going across the country. I will keep posted during the week about my experience working on a national level. Its going to be a long week of long hours and dreadful jobs... but it is going to be all worth it in the long run.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Definition of Worship

What is your definition of worship? For those who really know my heart and life, you know that I am a worshiper at heart. I am usually singing and that I have a very worshipful nature. Well, today, I was in my car going down (Hwy. 77) the road and I started to preach about worship and what I want children and students to understand the simplicity of how we worship.

Worship is not about how loud you can sing or that you know every word and motion. Also, it does not matter how high you lift your hands... when it comes to worship, it is all about the 'CONDITION OF THE HEART'.
John 4.24 // God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth.
If you come to God with a heart wanting and desiring to worship... then will know that your heart is here to worship and worship only. You can pray to God and say that 'God, I am here to worship you and you only right now'. But actions speaks louder than words. You need to show that you are a Christ-follower and more important a worshiper of God.
Worship can be a act of repentance... You ask God for forgiveness and the second after you say that, You need to show it through your actions that you are telling God that you are really sorry and that you are willing to change.
Revelation 2.5 // Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I (God) will come to you and remove your lampstand (presence of God) from its place.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Just needing to vent...

With all the craziness that is in my life right now... i just need to get a break and get away for a while.

I can't wait until until NYLC 09... this is going to be the most bangin' trip that I have ever taken. Seeing Snow, Ricky, Fonzi, my experience AC family and Jeanne with the rest of the speakers (Ed, Judas, Reggie, etc.).

I LOVE MY SMALL GROUP... ever since the first night, I knew that it was God-breathed to have this small group. Craig, Josh, Brent, Alex, Justin C., John A. John Lock, Justin S. are my brotherhood family for life... no matter where God placed me in the ministry.

James 4.7 // Submit to God...

That verse is one of life verses because everyday I choose to submit to the will of God.

RENEW: I love each and every person that walks through that door every wednesday night and giving the one thing that i can give them... 'brotherly love'.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Welcome and continue

Hey everyone... if you have been following my blog.... sorry but i just accidently deleted my blog. So here is a brand new one with the same url address. but i am going to start all over again with it.